Kick Off

Fri 27th Sep 2019, 5:30pm



Tasman Mako (W) Coach

Chris Binns

Hawke's Bay Tui (W) Coach

Stephen Woods

Tasman Mako (W) Penalty Tries


Hawke's Bay Tui (W) Penalty Tries


Player T C P DG Pts # Pts DG P C T Player
Sydnee Wilkins 1 - - - 5 Fullback 6 - - 3 - Krysten Cottrell (nee Duffill)
Anya Schultz - - - - - Right Wing 10 - - - 2 Shaylee Tipiwai
Wairakau Greig - - - - - Centre - - - - - Te Maari MacGregor
Demi Salton - - - - - Second Five Eighth - - - - - Chanel Atkin (nee Huddleston)
Alesha Dempster - - - - - Left Wing - - - - - Felicity Powdrell
Hayley Hutana - - - - - First Five Eighth 4 - - 2 - Sylvia Bockman
Pippa Andrews - - - - - Halfback - - - - - Emma Jensen
Jessica Foster - - - - - Number Eight 10 - - - 2 Kathleen Brown
Leah Miles - - - - - Openside Flanker - - - - - Niamh Jefferson
Tamara Silcock - - - - - Blindside Flanker - - - - - Hanna Brough
Courtney Clarke - - - - - Lock 5 - - - 1 Liana Mikaele-Tu'u
Hannah Gillespie - - - - - Lock - - - - - Te Aroha Hunt
Anna Bradley - - - - - Tighthead Prop - - - - - Jennifer Simati
Stephani Mitchell - - - - - Hooker - - - - - Forne Burkin
Paris Hart - - - - - Loosehead Prop - - - - - Whitley Mareikura
Louise Nalder - - - - - Reserve 5 - - - 1 Lukika Faavae
Gabi Dixson - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Moomooga Palu
Juanita Thomson - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Amber McKenzie
Hannah Beech - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Teagan Meyer
Jamie Paenga - - - - - Reserve 5 - - - 1 Holly MacDonald
Rebecca Kersten - - - - - Reserve 5 - - - 1 Nicolette Adamson
Bethan Manners - - - - - Reserve 5 - - - 1 Cortez Te Pou
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Reserve - - - - - To Be ANNOUNCED

Tasman Mako (W)

Player T C P DG Pts #
Sydnee Wilkins 1 - - - 5 Fullback
Anya Schultz - - - - - Right Wing
Wairakau Greig - - - - - Centre
Demi Salton - - - - - Second Five Eighth
Alesha Dempster - - - - - Left Wing
Hayley Hutana - - - - - First Five Eighth
Pippa Andrews - - - - - Halfback
Jessica Foster - - - - - Number Eight
Leah Miles - - - - - Openside Flanker
Tamara Silcock - - - - - Blindside Flanker
Courtney Clarke - - - - - Lock
Hannah Gillespie - - - - - Lock
Anna Bradley - - - - - Tighthead Prop
Stephani Mitchell - - - - - Hooker
Paris Hart - - - - - Loosehead Prop
Louise Nalder - - - - - Reserve
Gabi Dixson - - - - - Reserve
Juanita Thomson - - - - - Reserve
Hannah Beech - - - - - Reserve
Jamie Paenga - - - - - Reserve
Rebecca Kersten - - - - - Reserve
Bethan Manners - - - - - Reserve
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Reserve
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown

Hawke's Bay Tui (W)

Player T C P DG Pts #
Krysten Cottrell (nee Duffill) - 3 - - 6 Fullback
Shaylee Tipiwai 2 - - - 10 Right Wing
Te Maari MacGregor - - - - - Centre
Chanel Atkin (nee Huddleston) - - - - - Second Five Eighth
Felicity Powdrell - - - - - Left Wing
Sylvia Bockman - 2 - - 4 First Five Eighth
Emma Jensen - - - - - Halfback
Kathleen Brown 2 - - - 10 Number Eight
Niamh Jefferson - - - - - Openside Flanker
Hanna Brough - - - - - Blindside Flanker
Liana Mikaele-Tu'u 1 - - - 5 Lock
Te Aroha Hunt - - - - - Lock
Jennifer Simati - - - - - Tighthead Prop
Forne Burkin - - - - - Hooker
Whitley Mareikura - - - - - Loosehead Prop
Lukika Faavae 1 - - - 5 Reserve
Moomooga Palu - - - - - Reserve
Amber McKenzie - - - - - Reserve
Teagan Meyer - - - - - Reserve
Holly MacDonald 1 - - - 5 Reserve
Nicolette Adamson 1 - - - 5 Reserve
Cortez Te Pou 1 - - - 5 Reserve
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Reserve
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown