Kick Off

Sun 1st Sep 2024, 12:35pm


Chloe Sampson



Wellington Pride (W) Coach

Fusi Feaunati

North Harbour Hibiscus (W) Coach

Dean Watkins

Wellington Pride (W) Penalty Tries


North Harbour Hibiscus (W) Penalty Tries


Player T C P DG Pts # Pts DG P C T Player
Keira Su'a-Smith - - - - - Fullback 6 - - 3 - Mikayla Suluape
Ivana Samani - - - - - Right Wing - - - - - Tsubasa Sasagawa
Drenna Falaniko 1 - - - 5 Centre - - - - - Moana Courtenay-Malupo
Monica Tagoai - - - - - Second Five Eighth - - - - - Dayna Moon
Harmony Kautai 2 - - - 10 Left Wing - - - - - Ursola Eteru Fuailefau
Arene Landon-Lane - 3 - - 6 First Five Eighth 5 - - - 1 Hailey Beale
Milly Mackey - - - - - Halfback - - - - - Christie Moncrieff
Nina Foaese - - - - - Number Eight - - - - - Demielle Onesemo-Tuilaepa
Sinead To'oala-Ryder 1 - - - 5 Openside Flanker 5 - - - 1 Madison Johnson
Te Raukura Leafe - - - - - Blindside Flanker - - - - - Christabelle Onesemo-Tuilaepa
Jackie Patea-Fereti 1 - - - 5 Lock - - - - - Margaret Uluiqalau-Wye
Sophie Irving - - - - - Lock - - - - - Izzy East
Tess Woldring - - - - - Tighthead Prop - - - - - Ciara O'Connor
Alicia Print - - - - - Hooker - - - - - Oceane De Rueck-Donelley
Lavinia Lea 1 - - - 5 Loosehead Prop - - - - - Sharyn Toialoa
Paige Misky - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Tenaija Fletcher
Angelica Schwencke (nee Uila) - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Trinity Rika
Roimata Parata - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Rialani Onesemo-Tuilaepa
Eva Maora - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Armani Lam
Mamele Kupa-Cummings - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Barbra Auva'a
Litia Bulicakau - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Danielle Mellow
Fa'asua Makisi - - - - - Reserve 5 - - - 1 Ella Henderson
Billie Va'a - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Holly Williams

Wellington Pride (W)

Player T C P DG Pts #
Keira Su'a-Smith - - - - - Fullback
Ivana Samani - - - - - Right Wing
Drenna Falaniko 1 - - - 5 Centre
Monica Tagoai - - - - - Second Five Eighth
Harmony Kautai 2 - - - 10 Left Wing
Arene Landon-Lane - 3 - - 6 First Five Eighth
Milly Mackey - - - - - Halfback
Nina Foaese - - - - - Number Eight
Sinead To'oala-Ryder 1 - - - 5 Openside Flanker
Te Raukura Leafe - - - - - Blindside Flanker
Jackie Patea-Fereti 1 - - - 5 Lock
Sophie Irving - - - - - Lock
Tess Woldring - - - - - Tighthead Prop
Alicia Print - - - - - Hooker
Lavinia Lea 1 - - - 5 Loosehead Prop
Paige Misky - - - - - Reserve
Angelica Schwencke (nee Uila) - - - - - Reserve
Roimata Parata - - - - - Reserve
Eva Maora - - - - - Reserve
Mamele Kupa-Cummings - - - - - Reserve
Litia Bulicakau - - - - - Reserve
Fa'asua Makisi - - - - - Reserve
Billie Va'a - - - - - Reserve
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown

North Harbour Hibiscus (W)

Player T C P DG Pts #
Mikayla Suluape - 3 - - 6 Fullback
Tsubasa Sasagawa - - - - - Right Wing
Moana Courtenay-Malupo - - - - - Centre
Dayna Moon - - - - - Second Five Eighth
Ursola Eteru Fuailefau - - - - - Left Wing
Hailey Beale 1 - - - 5 First Five Eighth
Christie Moncrieff - - - - - Halfback
Demielle Onesemo-Tuilaepa - - - - - Number Eight
Madison Johnson 1 - - - 5 Openside Flanker
Christabelle Onesemo-Tuilaepa - - - - - Blindside Flanker
Margaret Uluiqalau-Wye - - - - - Lock
Izzy East - - - - - Lock
Ciara O'Connor - - - - - Tighthead Prop
Oceane De Rueck-Donelley - - - - - Hooker
Sharyn Toialoa - - - - - Loosehead Prop
Tenaija Fletcher - - - - - Reserve
Trinity Rika - - - - - Reserve
Rialani Onesemo-Tuilaepa - - - - - Reserve
Armani Lam - - - - - Reserve
Barbra Auva'a - - - - - Reserve
Danielle Mellow - - - - - Reserve
Ella Henderson 1 - - - 5 Reserve
Holly Williams - - - - - Reserve
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown