Kick Off

Sat 7th Sep 2024, 1:05pm


Erin Doherty



Tasman Mako (W) Coach

La Toya Mason

Taranaki Whio (W) Coach

Maifea Maifea

Tasman Mako (W) Penalty Tries


Taranaki Whio (W) Penalty Tries


Player T C P DG Pts # Pts DG P C T Player
Sarah Jones - - - - - Fullback - - - - - Eva Martin
Iva Sauira 1 - - - 5 Right Wing 2 - - 1 - Portia Huffam
Fiaali'i Solomona 1 - - - 5 Centre - - - - - Brooklyn Walker
Lesieli Taufa - - - - - Second Five Eighth - - - - - Mia Maraku
Michelle Miller-Leef (nee Curry) 2 - - - 10 Left Wing 5 - - - 1 Shaniqka Wall
Ashleigh Wood 1 2 - - 9 First Five Eighth 4 - - 2 - Laura Claridge
Lucy Brown - - - - - Halfback - - - - - Louise Blyde
Jess Harvie - - - - - Number Eight 5 - - - 1 Briana Poingdestre
Sui Pauaraisa - - - - - Openside Flanker - - - - - Pareake O'Brien
Luisa Tafia - - - - - Blindside Flanker 10 - - - 2 Hayley Gabriel
Brooklyn Logan - - - - - Lock - - - - - Gemma Gardner-Harrison
Grace Guyton - - - - - Lock - - - - - Kayla Woods
Avau Filimaua - - - - - Tighthead Prop - - - - - Mereana Anderson
Cheyenne Galiki - - - - - Hooker - - - - - Maree Dallinger-Phipps
Stephani Mitchell - - - - - Loosehead Prop - - - - - Angel Lindsay
Precious Auimatagi - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Michelle Hurley
Alisi Seigafo - - - - - Reserve 5 - - - 1 Ashley Rupapera
Peleoaiga Loto - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Tangini Latu
Courtney Finau (nee Stewart) - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Catherine Butler
Leah Ngawhika - - - - - Reserve 5 - - - 1 Brooke Neilson
Keeley-Mae Ridley 1 - - - 5 Reserve - - - - - Aarnya Simpson
Lucy Mahuika - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Zeta Barber
Mary Kanace 1 - - - 5 Reserve - - - - - Hannah McLean

Tasman Mako (W)

Player T C P DG Pts #
Sarah Jones - - - - - Fullback
Iva Sauira 1 - - - 5 Right Wing
Fiaali'i Solomona 1 - - - 5 Centre
Lesieli Taufa - - - - - Second Five Eighth
Michelle Miller-Leef (nee Curry) 2 - - - 10 Left Wing
Ashleigh Wood 1 2 - - 9 First Five Eighth
Lucy Brown - - - - - Halfback
Jess Harvie - - - - - Number Eight
Sui Pauaraisa - - - - - Openside Flanker
Luisa Tafia - - - - - Blindside Flanker
Brooklyn Logan - - - - - Lock
Grace Guyton - - - - - Lock
Avau Filimaua - - - - - Tighthead Prop
Cheyenne Galiki - - - - - Hooker
Stephani Mitchell - - - - - Loosehead Prop
Precious Auimatagi - - - - - Reserve
Alisi Seigafo - - - - - Reserve
Peleoaiga Loto - - - - - Reserve
Courtney Finau (nee Stewart) - - - - - Reserve
Leah Ngawhika - - - - - Reserve
Keeley-Mae Ridley 1 - - - 5 Reserve
Lucy Mahuika - - - - - Reserve
Mary Kanace 1 - - - 5 Reserve
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown

Taranaki Whio (W)

Player T C P DG Pts #
Eva Martin - - - - - Fullback
Portia Huffam - 1 - - 2 Right Wing
Brooklyn Walker - - - - - Centre
Mia Maraku - - - - - Second Five Eighth
Shaniqka Wall 1 - - - 5 Left Wing
Laura Claridge - 2 - - 4 First Five Eighth
Louise Blyde - - - - - Halfback
Briana Poingdestre 1 - - - 5 Number Eight
Pareake O'Brien - - - - - Openside Flanker
Hayley Gabriel 2 - - - 10 Blindside Flanker
Gemma Gardner-Harrison - - - - - Lock
Kayla Woods - - - - - Lock
Mereana Anderson - - - - - Tighthead Prop
Maree Dallinger-Phipps - - - - - Hooker
Angel Lindsay - - - - - Loosehead Prop
Michelle Hurley - - - - - Reserve
Ashley Rupapera 1 - - - 5 Reserve
Tangini Latu - - - - - Reserve
Catherine Butler - - - - - Reserve
Brooke Neilson 1 - - - 5 Reserve
Aarnya Simpson - - - - - Reserve
Zeta Barber - - - - - Reserve
Hannah McLean - - - - - Reserve
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown