Kick Off

Sat 7th Sep 2024, 2:05pm


Taneika Uerata



Otago Spirit (W) Coach

Craig Sneddon

Wellington Pride (W) Coach

Fusi Feaunati

Otago Spirit (W) Penalty Tries


Wellington Pride (W) Penalty Tries


Player T C P DG Pts # Pts DG P C T Player
Charlotte Va'afusaga - - - - - Fullback 10 - - - 2 Keira Su'a-Smith
Oceana Campbell - - - - - Right Wing 5 - - - 1 Drenna Falaniko
Te Atawhai Campbell - - - - - Centre - - - - - Fa'asua Makisi
Keely Hill - - - - - Second Five Eighth 5 - - - 1 Monica Tagoai
Jamie Church 1 - - - 5 Left Wing 10 - - - 2 Harmony Kautai
Sheree Hume - - - - - First Five Eighth 6 - - 3 - Arene Landon-Lane
Georgia Cormick - - 1 - 3 Halfback - - - - - Milly Mackey
Tegan Hollows - - - - - Number Eight - - - - - Nina Foaese
Bella Rewiri-Wharerau - - - - - Openside Flanker - - - - - Sinead To'oala-Ryder
Kayley Johnson - - - - - Blindside Flanker - - - - - Fanua Rimoni
Julia Gorinski - - - - - Lock 5 - - - 1 Joanah Ngan-Woo
Sammie Bean - - - - - Lock - - - - - Jackie Patea-Fereti
Rebekah Wairau - - - - - Tighthead Prop - - - - - Tess Woldring
Hannah Lithgow - - - - - Hooker - - - - - Alicia Print
Ellis Doyle - - - - - Loosehead Prop - - - - - Angelica Schwencke (nee Uila)
Leila Hill - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Valini Vaka
Isla Pringle - - - - - Reserve 5 - - - 1 Lavinia Lea
Paige Church - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Roimata Parata
Ella Gomez - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Eva Maora
Rawinia Ngamoki-Moana - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Anyis Drossaerts-Lake
Lininia Kaufana - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Litia Bulicakau
Naomi Sopoaga 1 - - - 5 Reserve - - - - - Madison Gold
Lucy Hall - - - - - Reserve 5 - - - 1 Ivana Samani

Otago Spirit (W)

Player T C P DG Pts #
Charlotte Va'afusaga - - - - - Fullback
Oceana Campbell - - - - - Right Wing
Te Atawhai Campbell - - - - - Centre
Keely Hill - - - - - Second Five Eighth
Jamie Church 1 - - - 5 Left Wing
Sheree Hume - - - - - First Five Eighth
Georgia Cormick - - 1 - 3 Halfback
Tegan Hollows - - - - - Number Eight
Bella Rewiri-Wharerau - - - - - Openside Flanker
Kayley Johnson - - - - - Blindside Flanker
Julia Gorinski - - - - - Lock
Sammie Bean - - - - - Lock
Rebekah Wairau - - - - - Tighthead Prop
Hannah Lithgow - - - - - Hooker
Ellis Doyle - - - - - Loosehead Prop
Leila Hill - - - - - Reserve
Isla Pringle - - - - - Reserve
Paige Church - - - - - Reserve
Ella Gomez - - - - - Reserve
Rawinia Ngamoki-Moana - - - - - Reserve
Lininia Kaufana - - - - - Reserve
Naomi Sopoaga 1 - - - 5 Reserve
Lucy Hall - - - - - Reserve
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown

Wellington Pride (W)

Player T C P DG Pts #
Keira Su'a-Smith 2 - - - 10 Fullback
Drenna Falaniko 1 - - - 5 Right Wing
Fa'asua Makisi - - - - - Centre
Monica Tagoai 1 - - - 5 Second Five Eighth
Harmony Kautai 2 - - - 10 Left Wing
Arene Landon-Lane - 3 - - 6 First Five Eighth
Milly Mackey - - - - - Halfback
Nina Foaese - - - - - Number Eight
Sinead To'oala-Ryder - - - - - Openside Flanker
Fanua Rimoni - - - - - Blindside Flanker
Joanah Ngan-Woo 1 - - - 5 Lock
Jackie Patea-Fereti - - - - - Lock
Tess Woldring - - - - - Tighthead Prop
Alicia Print - - - - - Hooker
Angelica Schwencke (nee Uila) - - - - - Loosehead Prop
Valini Vaka - - - - - Reserve
Lavinia Lea 1 - - - 5 Reserve
Roimata Parata - - - - - Reserve
Eva Maora - - - - - Reserve
Anyis Drossaerts-Lake - - - - - Reserve
Litia Bulicakau - - - - - Reserve
Madison Gold - - - - - Reserve
Ivana Samani 1 - - - 5 Reserve
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown