Kick Off

Sat 28th Sep 2024, 12:05pm


Erin Doherty



Counties Manukau Heat (W) Coach

Canterbury Women (W) Coach

Solomona "Mona" Paraki

Counties Manukau Heat (W) Penalty Tries


Canterbury Women (W) Penalty Tries


Player T C P DG Pts # Pts DG P C T Player
Jaymie Kolose - - - - - Fullback 15 - - - 3 Winnie Palamo
Shyanne Thompson 2 - - - 10 Right Wing 5 - - - 1 Riko Yoshida
Yurina Shinno - - - - - Centre 5 - - - 1 Fia Laikong
Arihiana Marino-Tauhinu - - - - - Second Five Eighth - - - - - Tayla Simpson
Kataraina Enosa-Taifau - - - - - Left Wing - - - - - Emma Whinney
Hazel Tubic - 3 - - 6 First Five Eighth - - - - - Te Rauoriwa Gapper
Ffion Penney - - - - - Halfback 6 - - 3 - Abigail Paton
Leitisia Vehekite - - - - - Number Eight - - - - - Laura Bayfield
Misaki Suzuki 1 - - - 5 Openside Flanker - - - - - Neve Anglesey
Sina Tainefu - - - - - Blindside Flanker - - - - - Keelah Bodle
Rebecca Burch - - - - - Lock - - - - - Sally-Jane Houlahan
Paris Mataroa - - - - - Lock 5 - - - 1 Stacey Niao
Fou Sefo - - - - - Tighthead Prop - - - - - Moomooga Palu
Mafi Pasikala - - - - - Hooker - - - - - Nicole Purdom
Leilani Perese 1 - - - 5 Loosehead Prop - - - - - Amy Milnes
Harono Te Iringa 1 - - - 5 Reserve - - - - - Adi Vani Taleqa
Lana Samuelu - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Philomena Petaia
Lauryn Steed - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Jaidyn Busch
Vineta Teutau - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Kilisitina Vea
Anita Brown - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Alex Williamson
Sariyah Paitai - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Harriet Cochrane
Luisa Togotogorua - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Kyla Lynch-Brown
Esther Amataga - - - - - Reserve - - - - - Caitlin Sears

Counties Manukau Heat (W)

Player T C P DG Pts #
Jaymie Kolose - - - - - Fullback
Shyanne Thompson 2 - - - 10 Right Wing
Yurina Shinno - - - - - Centre
Arihiana Marino-Tauhinu - - - - - Second Five Eighth
Kataraina Enosa-Taifau - - - - - Left Wing
Hazel Tubic - 3 - - 6 First Five Eighth
Ffion Penney - - - - - Halfback
Leitisia Vehekite - - - - - Number Eight
Misaki Suzuki 1 - - - 5 Openside Flanker
Sina Tainefu - - - - - Blindside Flanker
Rebecca Burch - - - - - Lock
Paris Mataroa - - - - - Lock
Fou Sefo - - - - - Tighthead Prop
Mafi Pasikala - - - - - Hooker
Leilani Perese 1 - - - 5 Loosehead Prop
Harono Te Iringa 1 - - - 5 Reserve
Lana Samuelu - - - - - Reserve
Lauryn Steed - - - - - Reserve
Vineta Teutau - - - - - Reserve
Anita Brown - - - - - Reserve
Sariyah Paitai - - - - - Reserve
Luisa Togotogorua - - - - - Reserve
Esther Amataga - - - - - Reserve
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown
To Be ANNOUNCED - - - - - Unknown

Canterbury Women (W)

Player T C P DG Pts #
Winnie Palamo 3 - - - 15 Fullback
Riko Yoshida 1 - - - 5 Right Wing
Fia Laikong 1 - - - 5 Centre
Tayla Simpson - - - - - Second Five Eighth
Emma Whinney - - - - - Left Wing
Te Rauoriwa Gapper - - - - - First Five Eighth
Abigail Paton - 3 - - 6 Halfback
Laura Bayfield - - - - - Number Eight
Neve Anglesey - - - - - Openside Flanker
Keelah Bodle - - - - - Blindside Flanker
Sally-Jane Houlahan - - - - - Lock
Stacey Niao 1 - - - 5 Lock
Moomooga Palu - - - - - Tighthead Prop
Nicole Purdom - - - - - Hooker
Amy Milnes - - - - - Loosehead Prop
Adi Vani Taleqa - - - - - Reserve
Philomena Petaia - - - - - Reserve
Jaidyn Busch - - - - - Reserve
Kilisitina Vea - - - - - Reserve
Alex Williamson - - - - - Reserve
Harriet Cochrane - - - - - Reserve
Kyla Lynch-Brown - - - - - Reserve
Caitlin Sears - - - - - Reserve
Winnie Palamo - - - - - Unknown
Riko Yoshida - - - - - Unknown