Makaia Riki-Te Kanawa - Stats by Opponent

Below is a comprehensive summary for Makaia Riki-Te Kanawa for each team he has played against.

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Opponent Table

Team Apps T C P DG Pts
Auckland Storm (W) 4 - - - - -
Manawatu Cyclones (W) 4 2 - - - 10
Wellington Pride (W) 2 - - - - -
Canterbury Women (W) 4 - - - - -
Counties Manukau Heat (W) 5 - - - - -
Taranaki Whio (W) 1 - - - - -
North Harbour Hibiscus (W) 2 2 - - - 10
Otago Spirit (W) 1 2 - - - 10
Northland Kauri (W) 1 - - - - -
Tasman Mako (W) 1 1 - - - 5
Bay of Plenty Volcanix (W) 4 - - - - -
29 7 - - - 35
0 - - - - -
0 - - - - -